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Our Mission's goal is to advance the discussion of proper applications of magnetic therapy to advance legitimate scientific research as an interactive and collaborative educational project examining the subject of magnetic influences in alternative health care & wellness.

Our interest in creating The Institute of Integrated Health and Wellness ( is to shepherd a more sophisticated tone actually reserved for the three smaller, but far more interesting categories of research: influence on a cellular level, hormone production, and analgesic effects. All are based on well documented research, studies and randomized clinical trials.

To address the hundreds of inquiries about “sound published medical evidence” the answer is yes and no. There are thousands of research studies that has lead to our supplementary investigation and research on the subject of pain relief and overall cellular health.

Contrary to common belief, the benefits of magnetic therapy are well-documented and officially recognized in over 45 countries. Our lead Researcher (Mark Coussoule) and his team is developing a database of hundreds of abstracts and systematic reviews, therapy research studies, peer reviews, and clinical trials from hospitals, universities, and clinics worldwide to provide clear scientific evidence supporting magnetic therapy and its positive health effects on both humans and animals.
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Is Natural Earth Magnetic Therapy Proven?

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Why Natural Earth Ion Magnetic Therapy Is Different!
Not Everything That Works Can Be Scientifically Proven!

Do You Know that the following therapies are NOT scientifically proven to work?
  • Chiropractic Therapy
  • Acupuncture Therapy
  • Acupressure Therapy
  • Therapeutic Massage
  • Medical Practices
  • Medical Prescriptions
  • Magnetic Therapy From the outset we affirm a couple of facts about magnetic therapy that are widely misrepresented predominantly by marketing language utilized in the sale of magnetic jewelry.

    • Magnetic therapy will “NOT CURE” any form of disease.
    • Magnetic therapy is not a “TREATMENT” for diseases.
    • Magnetic Therapy will not “PREVENT” diseases.
    We respect that the medical community and modern medicine is constantly making major breakthroughs in the treatment of disease and in the development of innovative technologies -- to help the blind to see and the paraplegic to walk, for example. It's truly exciting, and it demonstrates a tremendously positive side of modern medicine.

    Furthermore the progression and acceptance within the alternative health and medical community for the need for legitimate scientific research into the influences of magnets on the body invigorates my passion in magnetic therapy.

    Since 2000, we have critiqued thousands of studies on magnet therapy and the majority are often so abusive of facts as to be virtually meaningless. Having said that, there are other research and studies that holds promise and encourages distinguished research into the influence of magnet therapy on the body as a whole.

    Our interest in creating The Institute of Integrated Health and Wellness ( is to shepherd a more sophisticated tone actually reserved for the three smaller, but far more interesting categories of research: influence on a cellular level, hormone production, and analgesic effects. All are based on well documented research, studies and randomized clinical trials.

    We appreciate the resistance of magnetic therapy within the medical and holistic community in large, because of the negative connotation that the magnetic (jewelry) industry brought on itself with faulty and fraudulent misrepresentation of health claim for the sake of a sale.

    We further concede that the resistance of legitimate scientific research by the medical community that illustrates that proper application of magnetic therapy can provide positive gains, is because a magnet is a natural substance so it couldn't be patented, and thus another debate in its objectivity of the majority of research utilized in criticizing the efficacy of magnetic therapy.

    The last thing we desire is an aimless debate that distracts from the main purpose of our research.

    However, millions of people around the world each day are using the above forms of therapy for relief of pain and increased wellbeing and the same holds true for magnetic therapy that has been used for over 4000 years.

    The simple truth as to why the above therapies, including magnetic therapy, have not been scientifically proven is because certain things cannot be scientifically proven. Just because they cannot be proven does NOT infer they are not effective forms of therapy - these and other therapies are helping MILLIONS of people worldwide!

    The fact is that the above therapies including magnetic therapy have for THOUSANDS of years provided millions of people with positive results in reducing discomfort and pain, and increased wellbeing. Why or how some people are experiencing positive results has yet to be scientifically proven.

    The Truth about scientific research is most scientific studies CHANGE after years of study. How often do you see on TV that a "drug" turns out to be MORE harmful than what was first treated? The real truth behind the mixed scientific research and results for magnetic therapy is that no one or company can gain a patent on magnetic therapy, so there is no incentive to conduct "REAL" (long-term) research on the subject. However, most of the Western research on the subject of magnetic therapy is flawed because of weak magnetic fields used in the studies, a short period of time to test (a matter of hours or days), and the proper type of magnets used for testing.

    To address the hundreds of inquiries about “sound published medical evidence” the answer is yes and no. There are thousands of research studies that has lead to our supplementary investigation and research on the subject of pain relief and overall cellular health.

    [Basic pain explanation: People feel pain when the pain impulses in our nerves travel through our body and register in the brain. Stopping these pain impulses from reaching the brain is how we can reduce pain. Magnetic therapy works when the right strength magnets are placed in the proper locations. The magnets must be of sufficient Gauss strength to penetrate the skin so that they can soothe the underlying effected nerves and muscles.]

    Contrary to common belief, the benefits of magnetic therapy are well-documented and officially recognized in over 45 countries. Our lead Researcher (Mark Coussoule) and his team is developing a database of hundreds of abstracts and systematic reviews, therapy research studies, peer reviews, and clinical trials from hospitals, universities, and clinics worldwide to provide clear scientific evidence supporting magnetic therapy and its positive health effects on both humans and animals.

    It is noted that extensive testing was also done before and after the studies to check functions of kidneys liver, pancreas, blood pressure, circulatory system, tinnitus, headache, hearing problems, visual disturbances, vertigo, palpitation, perceptive abnormality, motorial disturbance, fever, digestive disturbance, coetaneous symptoms, and other clinical symptoms to suggest any side effects were found to be totally absent.

    When we initiated this research project in 2000, the aim of the project is to establish whether there is evidence for or against the efficacy of static magnets to produce an analgesia effect for pain relief and other health benefits. The weight of evidence from published, well-conducted controlled trials suggests that static magnetic fields are able to induce a positive analgesic effect and other health advantages.

    The better quality studies demonstrated a positive effect of static magnets in achieving analgesia across a broad range of different types of pain (neuropathic, inflammatory, musculoskeletal, fibromyalgic, rheumatic, and postsurgical).

    However, apprehension ensued when we discovered most of the studies that compared the use of static magnets with an appropriate control for the treatment of pain incorporated weak magnetic fields (Gauss rating - 50G - 800G) and an inadequate duration (two weeks) of the studies. We have concerns over the type of magnetic influence (static magnetic) and the adequacy of magnet power for the type of pain treated, and the duration of exposure to the magnetic field.

    Having said that, although the data cannot rule out a chance effect, the positive trends suggest that larger, longer-duration, sham-controlled trials with greater surface field strengths of magnets be considered in patients with chronic pain.

    Our invivo studies over ten years reports a significant analgesic effect when a magnetic field of 7000 G is continuously worn a minimum of six hours a day. While each person responds differently, our invivo studies have demonstrate that the majority of people are satisfied with their results.

    We're establishing through ongoing invivo/invitro studies to further probe the magnetic influence on a cellular level, hormone production - particularly serotonin and melatonin. The goal is establishing research to advance the interest and application of proper magnetic therapy.

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